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September 26, 2021


Maureen Morton

Love what I’m seeing & can’t wait for more! Tim is so lucky to have you and your magical skills on his creative team!

Jani Howe

I'm so excited about the upcoming makes from you very clever people. I do get so many new ideas that keep me busy for weeks! Can't thank you enough for all your hard work and dedication to sharing ideas! You should be so happy to know that doing the work you love brings happiness and new ideas to others out in the world. Keep it up!


I keep checking your blog for these Christmas cards. Can’t wait for the detailed posts to come out! Any chance you have a list if the specific idea-ology products used so I can get my order in?

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  • I participate in an affiliate program through Simon Says Stamp. I receive a commission when products are purchased through links here at this blog. All products linked below the posts of my creations are the actual products I used in creating my projects. I do not and will not share or review products that I would not personally recommend or use.